Tuesday, November 23, 2010

In my heart I know that I will see you again

Tears streaming down my face
as I see you walk away

knowing that today
might be the last day

I ever see your happy smile
but in my heart I know that I will see you again

except right now
I feel like my life is going to end

I will put on a happy face
so that you cannot see my sadness

because hiding sadness is what I do best
but in my heart I know I will see you again

as we hug our last hug
I hold back all my tears and try to smile

and you can see me struggle and say it is ok to cry
but you do not know a part of me just died

now you turn your back and walk away
and as a single tear rolls down my face

you turn back to say I love you
I cry the hardest I ever have

as I see you walk away
but in my heart I know I will see you again someday

1 comment:

A said...

For each tearful departure, there is always a delightful arrival. So, hope keeps you going.