Thursday, October 9, 2008

Are we really Independent?

When the corporates go "gaga" over this independance day stuff, when schools and colleges gear up for the flag hoisting cermony, when government organisations overdo the happenings with political and commericial flavours..

I keep wondering how real and true is all this....

What are we celebrating...."the independence" or just a day??

If its the former,then loads of things come flooding into my mind...
do we really live in an independant world ?...well..I am defntly not talking about bomb blasts..relgious calamities...government policies..socio-economic values ...etc.., Its just independence at the personal,emotional and spiritual levels.....

How Independently can I decide what I want to do..and how I want to live... .Well again..there is nothing like "going against the tide stuffs"...very simple..what liberty do "I" as an individual have to decide what to do and what not to.....

All of us are so dependant on each other in every other aspect of life....
Things are so interwoven that its too hard or unconventional to untangle them and survive as a single entity...

Would rather appreciate if Independance is seen as a way of life than a commodity....

..All said,

if its the latter...then..what the heck..I dont care.. ;)

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